Trump sought to cheat to win re-election, Democrats charge at trial — "President Trump solicited foreign interference in our democratic elections, abusing the powers of his office to seek help from abroad to improve his re-election prospects at home," lawmaker Adam Schiff told a hushed chamber.

This is the problem with Reddit and the democratic party. I'm honestly an undecided voter. I don't have time to watch the hearings and the news highlights are pretty biased. So I ask some simple questions on reddit, get called an idiot, and downvoted. Doesn't seem like a very tolerant side...

Years ago I decided against participating in Reddit discussion of politics for various reasons, but your post caught my eye and I want to respond to it as I think there's something worth saying here.

For someone who is an "undecided voter" who doesn't have time to watch the hearing, finds the news highlights to be biased, and is supposedly confused about being downvoted and insulted, you sure have had a lot to say in the past about the impeachment and your disdain for the DNC. This is confusing to me, because you participate in discussions over the matter despite admitting you don't have the time to educate yourself on the issues, but clearly you're educated enough to discuss the matters on Reddit by regurgitating talking points from the GOP and GOP-friendly media outlets. Even more confounding is your ability to claim that you're an undecided voter that is just asking questions, but you've previously stated that you're definitely voting for Trump in the presidential election and you've discussed matters relating to his impeachment in other subs. Including /r/conservative. I feel it's important to point out the issues I'm perceiving as a setup for what I want to talk about regarding you specifically.

You previously stated that you changed your beliefs from liberal to whatever it is they are now, I'm guessing somewhere between Libertarian and whatever the GOP would be classified as right now; I would encourage you to give further consideration to your beliefs and especially your comments over the last half-year or more and consider whether or not you're doing the same thing you accuse the people you oppose of doing. From where I'm sitting, it looks a lot like you're repeating those behaviors from the opposite side of the aisle. I read your previous comments and I don't think you're an idiot at all, but I do worry that at some point in the last four years you reeled away from actions made by the DNC and DNC-friendly media groups and ended up in the same situation on the other side. I can respect being upset and angry by some of the things that happened in the 2016 elections as I too was disappointed by the DNC in 2016 and am continuously disappointed by any and all biased media outlets, but I worry that you've sought relief against this offense by seeking companionship with something much worse.

My hope is that I can inspire you to take some time to once again re-evaluate your political beliefs and the veracity of the information you're ingesting as our country tries to navigate through these trying political times.

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