Trump Storms Out of White House Meeting with Democrats on Shutdown

I understand that, and pelosi is scoring more points each day the shutdown goes on. But if your first concern is getting people back to work, and you know the White House isn’t going to budge and pelosi has zero incentive to make a deal, what’s the end game? I personally don’t think this is worth fighting because if he declares a national emergency he’ll get a wall and get to spin it as re opening the government and he’ll say challenging it in court is wanting to keep the government closed and the border open. I don’t agree with it and I don’t think this is a national emergency but you have to see the risk of it working out in his favor. Manufactured crisis for sure but it still might be reality.

I hate that federal employees are put in the middle of this. And if trump gets his wall and gets to say he opened the government I don’t see how fighting over the $5B is worth it. Enjoy subpoena power and opening investigations into every facet of his company. People will forget about the wall.

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