Trump supporter calls my friend dumb for critiquing Trump's moon tweet without realize she's a literal NASA engineer.

I am amazed at how many people totally ignore what a douche he was being and instead proceed to bitch about how she's egotistical.

Get outta here with your misogynistic bullshit.

Some of y'all might have some fair points, but I see a lot of folks hanging onto the words she and he, and the tone difference is obvious. Maybe she is pompous, but too many folks are low-key offended that this woman dared to speak with the same confidence that many men do.

And maybe it was a bit too much (I've never liked hash tags, personally), but she's got degrees, worked for NASA--I have bad news, guys. She's better than most of us are, and if you're an exception to that, your "superior" ego or intelligence won't get caught up on this.

Scientific careers ain't easy to get into, or keep.

/r/MurderedByWords Thread Link -