Trump Supporters Are Officially Exhibiting Cult-Like Behavior - - This is a kind of organized, insulated extremism—increasingly detached from empirical reality

After supporting Bernie Sanders during primary season I have finally come out of the closest as a trump supporter.

Welcome! I'm not a true conservative. I'm pro-choice and I support gay marriage. But I'm voting for Trump!

Welcome aboard! I voted for Obama in 2008 but to me, there is no other choice but Trump

Former Bernie voter who isn't conservative here. Welcome to the team

To be honest, at the beginning of the Election season I was not a trump supporter (even though this was was before the nevertrump movement). I have always voted democrat in the past. Listening to Mr. Trump speak, and looking at the policies of the left, has completely changed me.

I am not a Trump supporter, but I will be voting for him.

I was a Bernie supporter. Trump is the closest thing to Bernie with a chance of winning.

I was a former Sander's supporter. [...] So I just decided to watch a rally. I was impressed with how he talked and some of his proposals. I did research, and the more I found about illegal immigrants and drug trade, I realize the wall would be a good idea.

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