Trump supporters right now:

No I am not calling you a liar because I want to "defend my country", I am calling you a liar because what you are saying is not true, which means you are lying. I suggest you stop reading dailywire, I have never visited the site before but after reading the article it is absolute horrid journalistic work with straight up lies. I'm not even going to read What fucking sites are you visiting? You need some serious work on your source game.

Malmö had 10 murders all of last year, it is indeed tragic and it saddens me deeply. But the picture that the article and you are painting up is skew to say the least.

To quote the article:

Malmo, this once quiet city, is now overrun with violence. The culture of fear is so palpable that parents are no longer comfortable sending their children out to play.

To begin with, Malmö was never a quiet city don't really know why you would say that. Secondly to say that the city is overrun with violence is such an exaggaration, yes it has bad problems that needs to be solved. But but both Stockholm and Göteborg has more violence per 100.000 citizens, Stockholm is by far the worst so why not write about those cities if that's what you want to write about? If Malmö is overrun with it Stockholm must've fucking drowned in it, why don't you link me that article instead? The amount of reported crimes in Malmö has actually been going steadily down since every year since 2009, so I mean.. The article is kind of late? There has been an outrage now becauase 99% of the violence is carried out between gangs against eachother, but now an innocent civilian who was not a member in any gang got caught in between and that is truely tragic and should never happen.

Do you start to see the whole picture? Your sources are truely shit. Please don't refer me to "youtube documentaries" after linking me that shit either, have some pride in your research, my god.

You basically spewed shit out and then linked two shit sources to "back up" your claims, I have now been sitting here for one hour researched and responded to you, it is tragic how much time and energy it takes to prove idiots like you wrong, it should be the other way around.

Once again I urge you to please be WAY WAY more critical about your media sources, take pride in what you say to people and where you get your information from. I took my info from Brå, the swedish authority against crime or whatever the fuck it translates to, they produce the official crime statistics for the country of Sweden and work to educate people about crime and spread knowledge.

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