Trump takes credit for recent talks between North and South Korea

Inevitable though, don't you think? We've already sanctioned them in every conceivable way, but they have the the bomb anyway. You think they're going to give it back? You think any amount of food we could send them would actually be MORE valuable than the power they now have to destroy the planet? (As I recall, it's been a fairly useful negotiating tactic for the US for a couple generations.) You think the US will ever (and I mean under any administration) retire its most powerful military deterrent? No. And neither will North Korea, or Pakistan, or Isreal, or China, or Russia, or anyone else that succeeds in manufacturing nukes at scale.

So again - Donald Trump may not have a single genuine friend or family member not interested in his money or political office, and he might have the maturity of a 12 year old boy raised on candy bars and fart jokes, and he may have laundered money for the Russians and committed actual treason to win the electoral college (but not the popular vote) but if he wakes up the world to the fact that no one nation should be "in charge" and of the world, and that it's up to each of us individually to build and support the communities and policies we rely on, well then... I guess there's that.

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