Trump told McCabe to ask his wife how it felt to be a loser

Cheers bru.

Americans have every right to not support and oppose his decisions, but there's no reason to get all butt hurt about being "robbed" of something. He won fair & square, and the dems lost for incredibly intelligible campaign and platform flaws. I'm not a fan of him as a person, and I'm not a fan of HRC as a person either.

I live in a rural Western county, I work with ranchers, timber groups, and sue the feds for a living. I completely understand (and when it comes to certain policy issues, wholeheartedly agree with reasons for) why people feel it's time for an admin change in a conservative direction.

I just can't - for the life of me - understand how people can worship him as some paragon of bad ass manliness. It's completely possible to be stoked HRC lost, happy about upsetting a democratic incumbent / preventing a 3rd consecutive term of a liberal executive, be annoyed as shit by the redundant bleating of the media, and think Trump - as a dude - is a fuckin tool. These are not mutually exclusive ideals.

I ain't about to evangelize someone who embodies a ton of different characteristics I don't respect, and who I thought was a noisy chode before he ran for president, just because he took the reins and beat someone who I also didn't like.

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