Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems

I fear your comment belies some ignorance. The Clinton Foundation is one of the highest rated charities by all watchdogs organizations. And all the innuendo that the alt-right can muster--for example, the notion that appropriations were made by the State Department after large donations came in--is a classic case of mistaking correlation with causation. Congress appropriates funds, not the State Department. These funds were earmarked long before any donations came in. Further, none of the money that actually came in to help the foundation in its charitable work (for example, addressing AIDS in Africa) was ever paid to any member of the Clinton family. Nor is there any evidence that anyone who ever donated to the Foundation who received an audience with Secretary Clinton (for example, Melinda Gates) would not have been similarly received had they not donated. Compare this circumstantial and innuendo based flimsy case with the actual self-dealing of the Trump Foundation, where charitable funds were actually diverted to help Trump's private law suit settlements, and to Trump's actual pay-offs of states attorney generals and governors in FL and TX, and I'm afraid Mr. Trump is far more crooked than any politician we've ever seen.

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