The Trump Way

It's Not even the beginning. The United States Sponsored a coup of the democratically elected president in 1954 via the CIA, on Behalf of United Fruit Corporation (Director of the CIA was a board member, along with his brother, the Secretary of State, who happened to had worked at law firms connected to the company.)

The country ended up with a brutal civil war that lasted decades and a outright genocide of the various (the nations majority population at around 50-70%) Maya ethnic groups by American backed death squads, acting on behalf of wealthy criollo (racial division was a major factor in Latin American conflict, the rich still hold a racial superiority mentality from the caste system) landowners and right wing militias: 200,000 people were killed on the excuse that ethnic Mayas, along with Ladinos (westernized Maya,) Garifunas (Afro-Arawaks,) and landless whites were supporters of the communist party, which had promised to protect the country's poor, this marked them all for death under Brutal tactics of total war and shock and awe.

The company still remains in the country as the renamed Chiquita brand.

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