Trump's last BETRAYAL of the KURDS? - VisualPolitik EN

Someone is butthurt. Your mentioend cases or how much of a problem in regards to the entity of the turkish ethnicity in Turkey?


We dont have royal houses fucking their own uncle/aunt.

honor killings

" emicide — killing women because of their gender — is a longstanding issue in Turkey. Nearly 300 women have been killed so far this year, according to the Istanbul-based advocacy group We Will Stop Femicide, which has been tracking gender-related deaths since Turkish authorities stopped doing so in 2009. "

Oh wow. 300 women per year. There are around 40 000 deaths due to alcohol in Germany alone.

What a fucking shocker. Turks are so barbaric.

And oh look at this:

" The Lost Women of Iraq: Family-based Violence During Armed Conflict, between January 2014 and June 2015, DCVAW received reports on 66 murders, 85 suicides, 314 cases of "burning," and 160 cases of "self-burning" (Nov. 2015, 18) "

Kurds in northern iraq are not even closely any better. In fact worse, when you consider that these things happen among kurds in Iran, Iraq and Syria too.


Maniacs exist all over the world:

bullying against kurds who want to free themselves of their bullshit

By bombing schools, hospitals and civilians, yes?

tax evasion, smuggling and on and on. yes, these are the signs of a modern society now.

These things happen all over the world. There is no fucking point to specifie this to anyone.

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