is this trustworthy behavior (21M) or player behavior towards a (22F)

explicity stating how you feel is a good way to end "the game"/cut the fire short

No it's not lol. It's a healthy and positive way to have a good relationship which you stated you wanted more than just sex.

You don't like how guys talk to me while talking to other people, but you listed in your story how you did exactly that to your ex by flirting with this guy you like lol.

The things you want are not relationship advice, you're looking for fuckbuddy advice.

You can't always have your cake and eat it too.

The only way to ever ensure that you are of interest to someone is by them honestly saying to you they are interested in you, and a way you can get that is by honestly asking. Jumping around and playing games isn't going to get you anywhere. And if you're just sending him pics, as a guy I can tell you, I'm not really going to look for anything more in the relationship- esp if you're sending suggestive pics when we're not even in a relationship. To me that's a big stamp on being only a fuckbuddy/bootycall and nothing more. Nothing wrong with that. But you said you're looking for more.

You wanted advice but you're just arguing with everyone here and being contradictory with your comments and your story. A lot of what you write makes very little sense in the context you provide.

You wanted better ways to play your cards right- share your feelings and be honest. Playing games isn't going to help you get the answers you want or it will lead to assumptions

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