The truth about A$AP Rocky's "victim", Mustafa Jafari. Please read!

You, in The_Quarantine, a few hours ago:

They shouldn't have let him go away quietly, justice is justice, you visit the land you follow the law and you get punished by said law if not. But ASAP is literally the victim of harassment and defended himself, and they locked him because his aggressors were Muslims. That's the issue.

But ignoring his criminal history and believing his words like those of a model citizen, while disregarding A$AP's statements and videos, is fair? If he was a native Swede for example, that last drug crime, which involved possession of heroin, should have gotten him a minimum of 2 years in prison, up to a maximum of 7. Yet he didn't even get a fine. It's why people are so pissed and slowly move to voting right wing,** Afghani's are unofficially a protected class** that always seem to get a slap on the wrist. A$AP wasn't in the right to go all ballistic on that dude, but taking into consideration the entire circumstances makes his actions less severe imho.


and a couple days ago in worldnews

Islamist crimes are catalogued as "right wing hate crimes". That should answer all your questions about that percentage. If a Jewish man gets punched, spit, or a sinagogue gets sprayed with swasticas, 97 times out of 100 its some islamists doing it. There are even official police reports on it with that statistic

I'm getting the weird feeling you just want to spread anti-muslim sentiment for some reason, idunno

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