The truth about how the American economy works.

I don't think the implication of this post is that you're not allowed to pursue wealth or better your living situation. "Socialism is when poor" has become a meme for a reason - most leftists agree that it's a completely ridiculous and simple minded way of viewing these conversations.

I think the intent of the post is to just show a new perspective to people who haven't thought of it in this way before. There are SO MANY Americans who just dream of one day being rich so they can get out of their financial struggles, without really grasping the bigger picture that this system is fundamentally fucked up for the large majority of people.

I know when I was younger I was one of those people - dreamed of being a millionaire so I could have cool things and do whatever I want with my life. Now, it's not like I'm against the idea of becoming a millionaire, but ultimately I would much rather see a system that doesn't require having insane wealth to live an enjoyable life.

As for what you're supposed to do - I don't think you need to reject wealth as some show of solidarity. Although I would at least suggest trying to stay ethically aligned with your views in the process. Leftist or not, you're gonna still be a piece of shit if you decide to become a landlord lol.

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