The truth about racism in London

Interesting article. As somebody who is mixed race (three quarters white, one quarter black) with a bronze sort of colour skin, nobody can ever work out 'what' I am and find myself accepted by most races. 90's Britain as a kid though? Different story. Savage racism everyday, from white kids and adults. 'P*ki and Ni**a were the preferred slurs, especially the P word. Having just a tint of brown in your skin, in a fully white nieghbourhood, was enough to be the butt of racist jokes, even from your so called friends. Being shouted at the street was not uncommon - got called some intersting names from men shouting from their van as they drove past, often when I was walking home from school.

Fun fact - I'm three quarters white but have only ever received racial abuse from white people. Never from a black or asian person - not once. Make of that what you will.

In 2020, I'm generally seen as 'passing' - I can't remember the last time I received any racial abuse - maybe about 15 years ago. I can forgive (not forget) how white people treated me as kid though. It's good that things have progressed since then. Some on the ' hard right' side want them times back though - the good old days when casual racism was acceptable.

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