Truth has been spoken

it's not that deep fam and honestly I expected this niche comment

My statement's true interpretation is that the state of what passes for media, and the current demographics of the United Kingdom are a truly lamentable tragedy. My great-grandfather explicitly remembers fighting in the Royal Army in his brigade for, as his comrades shouted in exuberance, "For God, King and Empire!" Now where exactly has the promises bestowed upon the British people been paid back for the millions of young men's blood dying for their civilization gone? So that he can see a Muslim Mayor of London and be called a nazi for keeping the beliefs he grew up with? For thinking it's not proper for a British girl to wear shorts up to her bloody mound of Venus and have an abortion and a dog for children whilst Muslims families pop out 5+ a shot and native Britons are killed in the name of "diversity" and "tolerance"? He has one leg in the grave in his advanced age and when he heard about the attack he nearly broke out in tears - intermittently coughing from mild emphysema - and told me how the Axis personally offered alliance with Churchill to keep the Empire several times and was declined every time, only to have later a Pyrrhic "victory" and the greatest civilization to shake the world collapse in spades and become a laughing stock and its native peoples displaced by international banking interests and an uncaring-at-best government.

Can you tell me what the fuck my people died for?

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