Truth or myth: Indian men do well when dating in Eastern Europe?

My husband is Indian with thinning hair and one inch shorter than me. I’m white.

My husband had only dated white women and married me, I have heavy Nordic features. The reason he was always successful is when you talk to him, he makes everything you talk about seem like the greatest thing in the world. Excited about some movie? He’s excited too. Tried a new restaurant and loved it? He can’t wait to go, let’s go right now. You were out shopping and saw something he liked so you picked it up? This is the most awesome gift ever.

He’s really good at making people feel special. And he’s smart. Good at conversation and never awkward. Looks you in the eye when you talk to him. He also never once made me feel like he expected sex from me while we were dating. He was affectionate but never pushy with it. He didn’t chase me, he charmed me.

Be charming, guys. Not Bollywood charming with stars in your eyes, but earnest and kind.

/r/SouthAsianMasculinity Thread Parent