You try threaten me with a good time?

What you're doing is invaluable. Relating, reaching out to them, trying to get them in the right path, especially coming from a place of empathy and understanding because you've been there too, so you're talking from experience.

I think we all have a duty to try to help others as much as we can, one way or the other, and starting from withing our communities is the best way to go on about it.

I've taken up extra shifts at work to pay for my daughter's boyfriend's college fees. When I come home very tired every night and see him at his desk studying, that makes it all worth it. This is my little contribution to make the world a better place, to improve somebody's life.

You're making a difference in the world and I'm very proud of you. You're so young and are doign such a powerful thing. Never stop!

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