Trying to craft a CA ammy and I almost landed on the best possible chaos caster combo

Thank you so much for the input! I will probably go the route you recommend, should I land on ED for a league starter next week. At this point, I still don't know what I want to play, but I think I will start CA and use Silverbough until I can afford an AoE/proj SOTL and use it for speed farming. Bow build colors are undervalued currently, and I hope it stays that way!

I am not sure I would recommend the div cards as a money-making strategy until they become more popular. If you can afford at least 20 sets, you could reliably get one or two (or more) nice ones, but it is always a gamble.

I had a much better profit margin crafting items this league than I did on SOTL, but I didn't exactly take good notes. A majority of the cards I bought were 80+ chaos, so at least 360c per set. Many many many armours resulted in vendor divines and I don't even want to know how many 100's of exalts I spent. I have a nice SOTL stockpile for standard though, and that was my main objective. I have an endless sandbox ahead of me. In summary, I think it is worth the gamble if the cards are affordable OR the demand increases. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss further.

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