The US is trying to create unipolar world says Vladimir Putin

You're missing the point.

Americans know there are problems and do what they can, by contrast Russians rally around an autocratic macho bravado guy. The two are not the same. Your understanding of American politics is non existent because its clouded by state run spoon fed distorted media.

Suggesting that Russian politics is equivalent to American politics is absurd. How many murdered politicians have there been in the US in the last 20 years? How many murdered journalists have there been in the US in the last 20 years? How many popular broadcasts are hyper critical of Putin or Russian policy?

You are trying to draw a parallel that doesn't exist.

Russian corruption has stunted the economy for decades. There is no reason why Russian average salaries are as low as they are, there's no reason why Russia doesn't produce many things the world wants, there's no reason for the economy to be so reliant on petro exports.

No, Russian problems are not equal to US problems.

If they were, the US would have an average income similar to India or Brazil. The US would export very little engineering, technical, software, culture, etc. There would be no critical media (the most popular network is Fox, who's mission is to attack anything the president or democrats do). There would be bureaucratic bullshit shutting down musicians, journalists, bloggers critical of government policy like in Russia. There would be government shutting down media outlets it doesn't approve of.

because it is derived from US press and television.

Bullshit. I don't watch or have broadcast TV. My daily reading of "US press" consists of:

Reuters, BBC, Al Jazeera, Sputnik, RT, Moscow Times, The Economist, Spiegel, various blogs.

Last I knew, none of these were "US Press".

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