Trying to describe 9 to someone new to the enneagram.

Honestly, I don't appreciate being told that I am mistyped because I am not other oriented or because I have a sense of my own desires or identity (knowing your needs is not the same as asserting them. 9 is about finding those needs inherently unimportant, not being completely oblivious to them.) My personal issues lie in anger and the gut triad (not fear or shame.) Descriptions can keep mentioning this "otherness" as much as they want, but,based on my own experiences as living as a 9, I will continue to disagree with this. Naranjo heavily correlates 9 with XSFJ in his book, and it shows in his description and other descriptions influenced by his own.

Sorry if asking about your instincts seemed like a mistype accusation itself. It's the part of my own typing that I associated with my inherent disconnection from others (and, based on the Chestnut description, it is less other oriented than other subtypes) but maybe that stems from a different aspect all together.

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