Trying out British English... Rate it 1-10 and give me some tips. :D

I think your accent is excellent. With a little extra refinement you could pass as a native speaker.

There are, however, certain words that give away the fact that English is not your first language.


  1. Probably: It sounds quite Swedish the way you say it with one syllable instead of enunciating all 3 syllables.

  2. Look: When you say 'Look where disagreeing got you ...' You don't pronounce the k on the end. You repeat this same word later (where it's said on its own) and in that instance you do pronounce the K correctly. So the problem seems to be when put words too close together and say them too quickly.

  3. Belly: There's something unusual about the way you pronounce the second syllable, but I can't figure out what it is. It's perfectly understandable, but it just sounds foreign for some reason.

  4. As if: You pronounce the 'a' sound as a 'u' sound, and the 'i' sound and as 'e' sound. In other words you say 'uz zerf' instead of 'az ziff'.

  5. Fault: This is a bit Dutch sounding. The 'L' sound is missing, so it sounds more like 'fort' or 'fought'. The 'L' needs to be emphasised.

  6. Whole: You pronounce this as 'her' but with an 'L' n the end. You need to make the vowel sound more 'o' like (to rhyme with 'goal').

  7. And: Where you say "and greedy with it". If you're going to truncate the word then it should be pronounced 'en' (as is in the sound made by the last syllable in the word 'foreign'). However, you pronounce it as 'in' instead of 'en'.

  8. Gold: This has the same issue as when you say the word 'whole' (see above). You pronounce it as 'girl' with a 'd' on the end. You therefore need to fix the vowel to be a proper 'o' sound instead of an 'er' sound.

  9. Thrust: You completely miss the 't' sound at the end (so you say 'thuss' instead of 'thrust'


Overall your English is very impressive.

I'd say that you have a pretty standard British English RP accent, but you are capable of going into a more Estuary / Cockney accent when you're doing characters.

This is a good thing because milder toned-down forms of those particular accents are the standard way to informalise a standard RP accent (for those occasions where you don't want to sound too well-spoken or posh). Whereas if instead you tried to make your accent more 'casual' by adding another regional accent (e.g. a Northern one) then it would just sound weird, because your 'base' accent sounds like a middle class Southern East England / London accent, and these fit well together (both linguistically and geographically).

/r/JudgeMyAccent Thread Link -