Trying to post but it doesn't work. trying one last time now, can you type me?

Maybe you should let yourself explore R more before moving on to explore another type, and if you end up feeling like you don't resonate with it you can try something else then.

Maybe you've already ruled it out but if not, I want sto say soft gamine. TR I think looks more dramatic in the sense of a quiet intensity, whereas small and cury SG is playfully romantic. Romantics have some powerful energy too but is comes off as being drawn from the earth I think, and soft gamine has a more contained power within themselves that makes them seem very unique and sort of have their own world. Soft natural seem to have a very dynamic and flexible power.

Bear in mind this is just how I interperet the system and I think its best for you to have an interpretation that makes sense for you.

/r/KibbeRomantics Thread Link -