Tryndamere not even being on the rework schedule is so insane

This post is literally someone losing in gold elo and blaming the champion (in reality they can replace Tryndamere with 100 other champions and write the same post)

  1. Tryndamere's oppressiveness comes from his lane sustain and high base stats, not from his crit from passive. There are so many stat checkers in league (usually on melee champions) else they can't play the game. Stat checkers tend to be easier to play and promote lazy gameplay (I wonder why Renekton has been played for years) There are 50 other champions that have the same type of gameplay and are easier to play than Tryndamere + more toxic
  2. Everything just keeps getting nerfed so other champions become better (every single mage + items suck, keystones like phaserush got hard hit, domination got hard hit, bramble just got nerfed etc)
  3. all ADC items are overpowered and have been for months now - this makes Tryndamere be stronger than he used to be (reminder that the balance team actually buffed mythics for AD at the start and other items such as PD, IE :D )

His kit is better than all the champions listed - Mundo/Udyr/Shyvana/Quinn, so I don't get what this post is trying to achieve ??

/r/leagueoflegends Thread