Tryptamine Entities - One of the Greatest Mysteries of the Universe?

I have met them. I have thought a lot about them.

They are conscious. But there isn't anything magical or supernatural about them.

The last couple decades of neuroscience increasingly points to the somewhat disturbing conclusion that there is no single origin of consciousness in the human brain. Studies done to people under the effect of drugs and with brain damage hint that there are multiple sites of origin for consciousness. The case of people who have had the hemispheres of their brains surgically split, whose hand controlled by the non-dominant hemisphere takes on a complex personality of its own sometimes in conflict with the other hand and the rest of the body is... suggestive at least.

I am of the belief that there are multiple sites or origins of self-awareness and consciousness in the human brain, and they're always running in parallel. I suspect the entities met are in fact, self-originating. They are parts of your brain, conscious parts, that normally are almost completely suppressed, and rarely if ever directly contribute to your normal everyday life.

/r/Drugs Thread