[TT] A super hero team like the Avengers or X-Men, made up of America's Mythological heros and creatures.

My name is John Titor. America is in grave danger, and it's all my fault.

My travels through time to catalog America's heroes and oddities has come to a screeching halt.

I have done my best to avoid the creation of paradoxes but it seems that my "time machine" the C204 has created openings from all my travels of the horror stories of America's past.

They cannot leave the lands of their origin but can travel to it in anytime, past, present, or future. However traveling through time has a median point that i have named The Medium. Here tainted figures in time are not quite as smooth going as I when it comes to travel allowing me to detect when they came from and when they wish to go. Last tear in time was from the 19th century.

This attention as that time had roots in dark occult happenings with many formidable terrors. I had to investigate in what i considered the largest threat. I was going to visit an old bird.

I head to 1821 in the town of Sleepy Hallow. As always I adorn the proper attire for the occasion. I locate the loudest farm house and simply speed the day until schools out. Then I see him, Ichabod Crane.

"Well my good Crane, that's a good pence worth of teachin' you've done today. A pence that will be stayin' with me, so is to pay f'r your interests of the year long delay." proclaims the landlord to Crane.

Down trodden and no doubt hungry I take this opportunity to treat crane to some fuel for his tired mind at a kind families home paying them handsomely for their hospitality. A miracle what some tithes and offering from a few years back can do for a pair of hungry men.

"I see you've returned here after a year of going missing. No longer fearing of the Horseman?" I ask Ichabod.

He remains silent and continues to nimble at his cheese, reminiscent of a rodent or parrot, nose and all. I press again and the usually calm Ichabod coughs as he exclaims, "I told this town time, and time again, I do not fear him! Further more I know where he is at all times!"

"Do you now? Mind showing me?"

"Listen hither you ill spoken lout I have no time to show you the powers beyond what your crucifix branded mind could understand."

"Fine, I'll go first."

With that he shows a bit of fear and intrigue in what I offer, and lead him out to the C204 I kept away in a broken down barn yard. Sending us back to The Medium

/r/WritingPrompts Thread