Tulsi Gabbard calls to end federal ban on marijuana before leaving for active duty

Fighting off the US Army with a band of loyal patriots? Red Dawn kind of bullshit?

You do realize the USA itself was founded by exactly that type of "Red Dawn bullshit," right? A bunch of farmers defeated the most powerful military in the world.

Here's the thing about being a superpower, from Ancient times to right fucking now: there are ALWAYS other powers ready to jump in and hinder you when there are insurrections or foreign entanglements.

The last few hundred years of history are CHOCK FULL of examples of proxy wars and foreign-aided revolutions and civil wars where superpowers got thwarted, or outright got their asses kicked by "lesser" forces.

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Korea, Russian Revolution, Chinese Revolution... even the world wars themselves, with the US supplying Russia/France/Britain etc.

People who think the USA is eternal and that its military is undefeatable have ignored the first and biggest rule of history.

/r/Libertarian Thread Parent Link - ibtimes.co.in