tUmBLiNg tiMMY cAusEs mAss cAsuALiTieS wiTh hiS tUMMY

Aye, my calorie intake is 1500 on an average day but has been 2100 on a weekend. I walk 5 miles 5 days a week (not now because of lockdown) and do yoga 3 times a week. I eat lean meats, pulses & lentils, fresh veg and fruit and scratch cook everything. I don’t drink alcohol, fizzy drinks or more than one glass of fruit juice a day.

However, I was very neglected as a child/young teen and my body learned to fuel itself on minimum and hold on to what it could store. I have PCOS, a hormone imbalance, which encourages weight gain. I’m also on medication for mental health that notoriously makes people gain weight.

I’m 5ft 2 and I’m 50lbs overweight.

But my doctor says not to worry about that because I eat well and exercise enough. I’ve just been dealt a bad hand.

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