Tumblr > Gender Studies Course.

The funny thing is, Tumblr's shenanigans are actually pretty similar to most of the stuff I've learned in the two WGSS classes I've taken.

[X] Masculinity is inherently violent

[X] If you're conservative in any way shape or form, you're pretty much Hitler

[X] Rape Culture

[X] Wage gap

[X] Literally every demographic you're part of either makes you oppressed or privileged

[X] The worst kind of masculinity is white masculinity (one of my profs blamed the Columbine Massacre on violent white masculinity)

[X] Manspreading (yes, manspreading was mentioned in both classes I took)

[X] Sex is a social construct because 1 in 25 people are born with both sets of genitals. It's not 100% reliable 100% of the time, so therefore, the categories mean nothing.

[X] Women are the most common victims of war, including in the US, where not only are women not drafted, but they're generally kept out of the front lines should they volunteer, and enemy boots haven't landed on our soil in almost 200 years.

[X] If you're a white guy and you like Asian women (no matter how Americanized they are), you're a creep who fetishizes Asians.

[X] Not forcing your employer to pay for your ridiculously expensive birth control is misogyny.

[X] Elliot Rogers is not a homicidal maniac who we all can agree is a mentally unstable nutcase, but the result of a society that socializes boys to hate women and think they're owed sex.

[X] Homophobia is only found in white males, and the word "fag" is still often thrown around at gay people all the time by mature and responsible adults; and is in no way mostly isolated to middle school playgrounds.

[X] Capitalism is pretty much modern day slavery to everyone who isn't a corporate fat cat.

[X] Easy access to abortion is a human right, but gender-based abortion is female infanticide.

[X] Porn is for sick weirdos, and in no way do upwards of 95% of American men watch it.

Honestly, before I took any gender studies courses, I thought that these ideas were pretty much just isolated to crazy tumblr pseudo feminists. Then I found out that this shit is what most of the movement is about these days.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - vegan-vulcan.tumblr.com