Turk Barret is great and all. But we all know who's really gonna deliver the final blow to Thanos.

Thanos goes to Luis' house to retrieve the Infinity Gauntlet that Luis stole during the Infinity War

Luis: What the fuck are you doing here?

Thanos: Why's your voice raised like a scared little bitch?

Luis: No, no, I am not scared. If anyone should be scared its you man, for beating the Avengers and smashing up my car. All because I jus fuck jer lady (Death)? Dju think thas cool? Do ju know whas cool? Paying people back! waves katana he just picked up

Thanos: You don't pull that Bruce Lee shit with me, I'll steal that sword from you like a goddamn child and fuck you with it.

Luis: Don't write checks that can bounce.

Thanos: kicks yoga ball (materialized with the reality stone) at Luis.

Luis: Ah! takes yoga ball to the gut.

Thanos: picks up the Infinity Gauntlet.

Luis: My spreadsheets--- I mean, My golden glove!

Thanos: I will take this goddamn computers--- I mean, Infinity Gauntlet and put it through your face like a disk of fucking Tron!

Luis: Yeah right, I'll deflect it raises katana to block and then I'll deflect it and cutjur arms off and then ah'll cutjur face before ju even know it.

Thanos: Well look at this. A goddamn Mexican stand-off with a Mexican... I was hoping to get into one of these before I destroyed Earth.

Luis: Ju are leaving huh? Oh, and ju wanted to come first here huh and try to kill me?

Thanos: Not kill you. Just kick your ass, then ask you for a favor. Even though Death isn't the one for me, you stole behind my back and encouraged her to cheat on me.

Luis: Pssshhhh.

Thanos Pssshhh.

Luis: Psssshhhhh.

Thanos: Pssssshhhhh.

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