Turkey’s Army Says It Has Taken Control of Country

I mean, every "civilized" country should have some kind of check in place to prevent the tyranny of the majority from infringing on the rights of the minority. And by the nature of democracy, this check will necessarily have to be somewhat undemocratic. In the USA, the Supreme Court functions as that check on tyranny. Of course it can be argued that there are...potential problems with having that check be the military. Historically, Turkey did not experience those problems, although the potential was there. So in some ways it seemed to make sense to change the system before it got abused. But when Turkey changed it so the military could no longer act as a check on the tyranny of the majority, it did not make adequate provisions so that some other force could effectively act as that check. In that case, they "fixed" a potential problem by creating a bigger potential problem. And the original potential problem never materialized, but the bigger, newer potential problem did materialize, which is why Turkey is now where it's at.

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