Turkish bombardment kills 20 civilians in Syria, 50 wounded

As always you can see here denial process. I think there is not a single innocent side in these war politics but it is funny when it comes from Turkey. When someone talks about genocide they tell to outsiders "we didn't slaughter them, Armenians were killing Turks and we just showed them door". But when they talk with an insider then nationalists start to threaten with death, torture, and rape not only non-muslims also simple people with different ideas. There are always unbelievable excuses. Actually compared to some other countries Turkey may not be that bad. But if there is sth wrong you can be sure they are not guilty. They did operation with Pyd and invited their leader to Turkey multiple times and after that there haven't been single attack from pyd's side but suddenly it became pkk=pyd. There was no even single badmouth against isis from government until Kobane clashes. Even some people were driving with isis flags, wearing t-shirts in some nonsecular neighborhoods and they were ok with isis at their border then US told sth to goverment and came to İncirlik started to support Kurds suddenly they realized that isis was terrorist. If you say Turkey killed civilians you are either Armenian, Jewish, American or Moscow spy . May be you are paid by German agents who are jealous of 3rd airport which is being built in İstanbul.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - yahoo.com