turn 4. had a 6 health minion and 6 armor, cool.

I’m sure you’re a finer person and play interesting decks, but I’m not particularly sorry for you in this situation.

You were playing a super greedy deck that essentially locks the opponent out of choices, albeit you’re doing it after turn 7 and they pulled it off on turn 4.

If you were playing a midrange deck then maybe I’d have some sympathy, but at least you’re not playing the stupid aggro gibbling druid.

Point is - there has to be a middle ground for wild, and there isn’t. It’s a far more interesting game mode because there are far more synergies and a much deeper card pool.

For instance, I hit Diamond 3 last month playing a Hobgoblin deck with every 0 cost 1/1 in the game.

That was an interesting deck for me because it was all about managing resources for a big burst - without being an OTK combo.

But that aside - the more wild is overrun by decks with supreme swings and power levels like APM mage, the more it shuts out interesting decks.

The problem is always the same - cards discounted to 0 mana always breaks the game. Every time it’s been a mechanic, it’s broken Standard and blew apart wild.

/r/wildhearthstone Thread Link - i.redd.it