Turn them against themselves

I am a Pats fan obviously, we will not be winning this tournament. The only goal was to avoid the early vote-outs. Due to this not being a true Survivor game (teams keep their voting power after being voted out) it is a guarantee that the Patriots will not come in first. As the teams available to vote for dwindles down, non-ELoE voters that have been voting on their own terms rather than aligning with you guys will have their hands forced.

Honestly, I think the creation of this sub had the opposite effect on the outcome of the tournament as you guys had hoped for. Yes, you guys gained a slightly more organized (still underwhelming overall) voting bloc, but you also motivated the biggest fanbases on Reddit to organize better and put a target on your backs. By doing so, you guys actually increased the likelihood of the Patriots advancing further (as a stand in meat shield for the biggest fanbases propping them up) into the tournament than they ever would have in an unorganized voting platform, and for that I thank you.

/r/CoalitionAgainstEvil Thread