I turned my entire life around and I just realized it

That's how I'm feeling lately as well - it's a great feeling, isn't it?

I've had a rough couple of years due to health issues, and that was seriously eating away at my mental and physical health - at this point last year I was just sitting on my couch feeling crummy, depressed, and unmotivated to do anything. The thing that kicked my ass into gear was reading about No More Zero Days - once I started forcing myself to do something towards my goals every day, even if it was only for one minute, I found that it had a cascade effect. Often, once I've forced myself to do something, it would end up being for much longer than just a minute; and then once you start doing something it becomes habit. I force myself to be accountable by having a chart up on the fridge to mark off that I've done certain things that must be done every day (exercise, work, chores, self-care, self-improvement, go outside).

I've only been doing this for a few months, but I feel so much better already - I've worked through a massive chore list, started exercising 30 minutes every day, been working much harder, and overall just feel happier and better. My health issues haven't gone away, but they don't feel like they're dragging me down as much anymore, and instead of feeling like I'm going nowhere (or worse, downward), I feel like I'm making steady progress towards a better me.

One of the hardest things I had to come to realize in my life is that happiness and success require work and commitment - they don't just get dropped in your lap. It's also a choice - you can choose to stay unhappy or you can do something to fix it. When you're depressed, that latter choice doesn't seem possible...so you have to force yourself to do it, even if it's just really small steps - in time those steps build up, until you've managed to pull yourself out of the pit. Or so I'm finding ;)

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