I turned on "Christian" radio today and it disgusted me.

someone ordering a salad and then eating your food is doing that because they're hungry and don't just want a salad.

so why didn't they order the food they wanted?

why is this a "common experience" and why is it so often a gendered experience where a girl orders less food or food that isn't what she wants, and then steals food from a boy who has never in his life contemplated ordering just a salad?

it's a joke, but it's a joke about a behavior that exists because of shame. girls order salads that aren't enough because they have pressures boys don't hammered into their heads. the thing that is happening isn't some random silly quirk girls are just born with, it's a common experience because of negative socialization. everyone should be healthy, sure, but as a boy how often do you feel GUILTY enjoying a steak?

/r/Christianity Thread Parent