Turning my closet into a tent.

Yo. So I'm retiring my trust old tent that I've had for years and moving into another bedrooms closet. Its an odd space, but is basically a 2x6 standard closet. My 2x4 won't fit due to the door moulding and my light is basically 4 ft long, so the 3x2 tent won't work.

My question: if I wrap the inside of the closet in a tent material (Cordura with mylar lining) and make doors with zippers, will it be just as smell proof as my tent? Any experience with this? I'll have a double filtration setup going to the attic just like my tent setup. I'm very much in a legal state, but my wife hates the smell. I also need to figure out a way to filter out the room when I smoke inside. I assume that the double carbon filter setup is also best for that. Thanks for reading my wall of text if you made it this far.

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