Turns out, that uppity girl who is leading the post-Parkland gun removal campaign cyber-bullied the shooter repeated on Facebook and Twitter. Don't worry though, I made sure to save proof before she deleted it all.

I din't hear her protesting against bullying, only guns. If she was, that would be hypocritical. Wouldn't make this any less hypocritical though.

Bullying plays a role in driving people to want to hurt others. It's uniquely American because of our media, and because of diversity.

Bull to the shit. Show me unique diversity and media that lead to this kid getting bullied that doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. The only difference between the usa and the rest of the civilized world is that when someone snaps they get sent to therapy, they don't get to go home and pull out their AR they bought at walmart from under the bed and go on a shooting spree.

It's easy to take away the guns in a country that doesn't have to worry about nignogs coming into their house looking for the bix nood and gibs.

I probably should have read this part before starting to type out a response so I don't end up wasting my time on a literal retard. Live and learn lol

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it