The Turpentine thing explained

While I don't agree with Owen on a lot of things I have to say that it seems that most of you have little understanding of what turpentine is and it's toxicity. Ethanol (the stuff in vodka) is also used as an industrial solvent, paint thinner, cleaner, fuel, sanitizer, preservative and many other things besides being consumable. It's made up of the same elements as turpentine only but with an oxygen molecule and it's about 1/2 the size. Turp is a hydro carbon. It's only made up of Hydrogen and Carbon.

Turpentine actually has a pretty high LD50 when it is orally consumed, I was shocked at the amount actually, reported between 2-5ml/KG body weight for people (much higher in mice and rats surprisingly). So Owen's probably about 110-130kg at his height. He's saying he took a teaspoon, which is 5ml.

People actually drink methanol (which is wood alcohol & poisonous & is used for all the same as above except consumption) which is much more toxic than turpentine, about 5-10x more toxic actually. Ethanol is actually consumed afterwards as treatment (basically "neutralizes is) to stop the metabolic acidosis from the methanol, but people still do it, at least they did in the past.

So even if the turpentine is poisonous and I don't think what he is doing is going to help or is anything but placebo effect, if he is using it as he says it sounds like it is well within a tolerable limit by a factor of near 100 or so (at least a 1:100 saftey ratio). Again, I wouldn't advise either, bc you don't know what else is in the liquid.

I really didn't want to stick up for him and am not really and it is very odd and irresponsible with his fanbase (IMO), when I hear people who don't know the difference between the periodic table and the dinner table make outrageous claims, it's clear the US school system has really failed so many people in so many ways.

On a side note, there are a lot of things people consume as drugs or foods that have MANY other purposes outside of the nutritional specturm. If someone told you they ate explosives would you flip out a well? Probably if you didn't know what they were talking about, but it's kinda the same thing.

/r/owenbenjamin Thread