Tv series faithful to source material? over before it even began!

Dude? Controversial shit?

Obama got death threats up to 2013-15, CoD devs got death threats for weapon balance.

I have received verbal and written death threats many times, because someone got mad about something I did ages later or in the heat of a moment. It's childish, immature shit. You've never done anything ever to piss someone off.

Did she deserve it? Absolutely not. Do I trust the same people who make childish caricatures of people who dislike muh favorite gehm to also say, every single one of what, a few million people, threatened Laura Bailey after they beat TLOU2?

No, those idiots didn't play the game, they're probably kids or chronically unemployed adults frustrated with life or better yet MAGA hat wearers.

Gee fuckin' whiz, America sure has a lot of radical right wingers. Dat meenz dat ALL 380 MILLION AMERICANS are as dumb.

That's literally what you're saying, but for game critiques. Video game critiques.... Why?

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