TV Show sets up restaurant in a skip, hires a random chef on Twitter and is still accepted by UberEats

If you're ordering from a place you don't know about that is both great and doesn't have a delivery service, aren't you just asking for it? However, this is pretty great in showing Uber's obvious flaws. After shuffling around leadership and pretending the lights are still super bright, they're just dim and riding on their early name recognition to enter this market and maintain dominance. They really just played the food service game because they thought they could. Not everything is an Amazon play. I hope Tesla kills their rideshare service (as well as taxis permanently) and they never figure out enough to stay alive for more than 10 years. They've shit on drivers enough after an initial great opportunity. What's next, they buy Yelp and start truly shitting on food too? Hope they go down, but thanks for the ride.

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