TV's #1 News Network is Fox News. This is great news for NeoGAF, as they believe in lies, deceit, buggery, and being force-fed lies by the liberal media. Watching them freak out over actual good people is always entertaining.

"my professors always said to avoid fox news at all costs. this shit is indoctrinated."

I think the US has been moving very slowly into another cultural shift the last couple years. From the outside things are looking as bleak as ever, but there's an underbelly of disgruntled people who are just sick and tired of the bullshit, specifically, the white middle class. If you want to boil it down like a simple-minded gaffer, republicans only care about the rich and democrats only care about the poor. But there's some truth to that. And it's not just middle class white people. There's a lot of black people out there who hold very conservative beliefs; I'd wager they're, per capita, the most religious people in the country. They're not down with the whole gay agenda thing. The problem is that black people have become way too comfortable relying on Democrats to fix their issues (even though they mostly make things worse for them). Hispanics see white conservatives as people who just don't want them in this country even though they both share very similar views on a lot of things. Asians don't give a shit one way or the other because they're in their own little world and generally do quite well for themselves. You never hear them bitch.

I went off on a tangent there. I guess my point is even minorities are not crazy about all the liberal "progress" that's been going on lately. My original point, the reason I quoted what your professor said, is because ultra-leftists are now The Man™. Take a look at that fraternity case in Oklahoma. You'd think they literally lynched a bunch of black people the way people are reacting. It's just not THAT big of a deal. All the shit going on in this country and this is what makes the top news story of the day. According to the cultural pendulum, we're just about due for America to finally tell these people to shut the fuck up.

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