[TW: TERFs] Being trans is like a white person calling themselves black because they wear Nikes

You won't be swayed unless you are fond of the socio-environmental theory on gender identity. The "prevailing" idea being that you gender identity is not something you are born with, but instead it is a product of your environment. That is, the only thing separating you from being a woman is how you present yourself and "feel".

Consider, some boys inherently seek tonka trucks. Some, will seek barbie dolls. Now since these boys live in something that's not a vacuum, it's incredibly difficult to judge why these decisions are made without some kind of "statistical correlation of boys liking tonka trucks" to indentify that as a norm. Now, is it a "boy thing" to like tonka trucks? Most say yes, because we have this idea that humans with penises (boys) like tonka trucks more often.

Now, in the real world of great big adults, we have "women things" and "man things", like "hairdresser" vs "construction worker". A man can be a hairdresser, and a woman can be a construction worker. That doesn't make the man a woman because he is doing a "woman's job".

So really, what makes a man a man and a woman a woman? Specifically, we have an awesome scientific distinction: chromosomal pairs and your genitals! Now all we gotta do is pull down your pants and take a blood test, and you're in a binary with a few outliers due to Klinefelter's syndrome or whatever.

Now if you take that aside, and consider the implications: We do live in a world where men and women are "equal", or rather, we try to treat them equally. But that's actually not true. Remember, tonka trucks and barbie dolls exist and distribute themselves unevenly. We have social "gender norms". Which are just... social expectations based on your genitals and chromosomes. Is that really a fair distinction? You are male, you must play with tonka trucks, and be referred to by the pronouns that have been prescribed for the last few millenia or however.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Parent Link - peaktransmoment.tumblr.com