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This may sound awful, but I grew up broke and now I make good money because my skills are considered useful, and its a weird place to be. I recently debated hiring someone to clean my house because I am so tired when I get home and all I have time to do after working long hours is keep the house in order. But this seems like a weird and unfair cycle to pay someone to keep my house in order so I can work long hours to pay them, you know, so I've been cleaning myself. The more embedded I become with my skills and pay the more I wonder what the end goal would even be as I work my way up. Like, at this point making more money would not make me happier. If anything, I'm less happy now that I'm juggling this job and pay, than I was on minimum wage pursuing a dream. At the beginning it was survival, and now that I'm beyond surviving its like what now.

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