Think twice before investing more time/money into BDO.

Enjoy damaging your credit and getting nothing back when PA disputes the charges. Oh, also enjoy losing your steam library if you bought Kakao cash through steam and you dispute the steam purchases.

Maybe tell your wife not to bot? They literally said they checked each account banned in the ban wave personally to ensure there weren't any false positives. If she was caught in the wave, she was botting.

Then again, wouldn't surprise me if the account banned was just your alt account that you used for botting and the only thing you're upset about is losing money spent on inventory purchases. Made up a nice story about a wife to get people emotionally invested.

If that's the case--and you really know whether it is or not, so I don't care how you explain your here--then that's really sad dude.

/r/blackdesertonline Thread Parent