Twinblast outplayed.. for those who says console adc can't aim

I've played on console for several years mainly FPS and also played on PC on several years and which I am currently playing on.

I don't understand people who argue over the controllers, it's not a "preference" or whatever it's simple if you have the capacity to think logically and how humans work:

On a controller you are aiming using your 2 thumbs, that is 1 finger on each stick.

On a PC you are aiming with your whole HAND and FOREARM not with 1 FINGER, if you are saying that you can be as accurate on a controller as you can be on a mouse you are either elitist / ignorant or have no idea what you are talking about and how motor functions work.

Of course you can say that if you play on console for 20 years you will improve, but on the same note playing on a mouse for 20 years will also make you improve.

Aiming on a controller is fine in a game like Paragon where you don't have to be 100% accurate because the hit boxes are fairly large, but in a game where you need minimal precise movements it's just straight up stupid to say that you can be on par with a controller when you're using 1 finger to aim compared to the precision you get when using your whole hand and forearm.

/r/paragon Thread Link -