TWIS: Unrest in South Africa | DW Documentary

I got banned from r/southafrica for "racism" the other day, it used to be a pretty good sub where black guys would try to attack whites for their privileged status in society and whites could give them a dose of fact based reality. Now they've taken a hard line stance because criticizing the bullshit in our country makes you a right wing supremacist, toxic. That's just one example in thousands of the paranoia from the cultural marxists in our country, who are scared to death of ideas coming from the right.

I got banned because I was not apologetic and I believe that the boere should have self determination, we did not sign up for this shit, and we should be allowed to govern ourselves, apart from the rest of the country. We don't need a war, but as a people we also don't need to be vilified and discriminated against because apartheid happened. So the only real solution I can think of is that we should be able to govern ourselves. South Africa is a great example of the failure of multi-culturalism, it does not work, and it never will, so why do we have to keep banging our heads against a wall to try force it on people when both black and white are sick of the bullshit?

It's hilarious to me, that comments that are not more controversial than this, could get me banned from r/southafrica.

/r/SargonofAkkad Thread Link -