Twitch streamers in a nutshell

I don't watch his streams. And it's his stream. If you're gonna be a dick, you're getting banned. He streams 7 days a week for roughly 6 hours. Provides content along with playing competitively. On top of that makes guide youtube videos for new players and then when he is playing, you're gonna go their and say "ohh you should've played like this, ohh you don't know anything" he will be tilted. Because as far as I've read what people who watch his stream say, if you're nice in his streams he is still nice, he answers questions and everything. If you don't wanna get banned, stop irritating him, and if you like being a dick then don't watch his stream. It's crystal clear that you were on the wrong end in his stream. You maybe lost to him, or got banned for obvious reasons and now you're here just shit posting to take your frustration.

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