Twitter video showing supposed Uyghur children being beaten viciously

Some would say the same thing about the US for a long time even more so than China.

  • Illegally invading countries for no reason *
  • Calling invasions war, even though they aren't
  • Killing millions of civilians, anyone who looked or farted in the wrong direction being classified as a terrorist and not being shown i any statistics
  • Making prison camps where people are tortured and killed
  • "psychopath generals" who get pleasure from torturing and killing civilians, directly getting pardoned by the president (most recent case 2020 another from 2019)

Those a just a few examples from the last 2 decades, go just a bit further back, and we can start talking about illegal chemical warfare, still causing awfully deformed babies today. There are many more things that could be listed here, but I think you get the point. There are no other countries doing this.

While I do agree, that the incarceration of Uyghurs is a whole ballpark on its own, lets not forget that the US has by far the biggest incarceration rate of the world, by a large margin. They are used for slave labor in a profit driven private prison system directly lobbing and paying the rule makers.

* the real reason being, to profit a handful of people, and to stop Saddam selling raw oil for other currencies than US Dollar.

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