Twitter's #TSLAQ crowd finally makes sense to me

There's thousands and thousands of publicly trade stocks, being in the top 50 is easily the top 1%. No to mention that counting by the number of shares shorted, or the value shorted isn't that interesting. Looking at the percentage of shares outstanding that are being shorted is much more indicative.

Right now TSLA has about 20% shorted, which is very low for it, but still puts it in the top 15 most shorted. It used to be in the 30% range, and has consistently been in that range for a long time. I can't think of any other stock that's had such consistently high short percentage number for year after year. And that's because companies that have a huge short percentage are usually doing terribly and end up going out of business (or acquired or something) relatively quickly.

It's extremely unusual to see a stock that's consistently one of the most shorted, even while revenue is growing. And for the numbers to stay up in the double digits even as they posting profitable quarters and paying off debt.

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