Two Islams, Sunni and Shia? Can someone explain to me why there are two Muslims faiths and which one is the right one?

Ok, after much debate with myself on whether or not I should post this message on the basis that my reply may be taken the wrong way and further push you from truth, after GreyMatter agreed with your post I'm going to post it anyways, please don't take this wrong way, I'm just here to discuss and I hold you in high respects, I'm not trying to create some Sunni-Shia cyber war on reddit, and if I'm wrong, please correct me, so here is my reply:

Do you even realize what you're saying?

God sent book. Book was supposed to be in chronological order or else it is confusing. Ali told to put book in chronological order. Ali puts book in chronological order. Prophet dies. Ali shows his compilation to ummah. Ummah says no because prophet compiled it another way during his lifetime. Ali gets mad and refuses to let anyone see book ever again. Now God's book is carried through the next 1400 years in an incorrect in confusing way because Ali was mad.

Do you Shias even have this Qur'an in the correct and non-confusing order? Or are you guys having to make sense of a confusing book too?

Is this really an idea that might be inside the realm of possibility?

This is completely idiotic and not only so but goes against what Shia scholars and narrations say.

Look, here'a video by a vicious and disrespectful anti-Shia Wahabbi:

See full disclosure? I don't lie who made it nor his ridiculousness and disrespect in presenting it. I really am still uncertain whether or not I should even publish it. I show it though because it's in English and uses direct quotes from Shia scholars to refute this notion and I don't know what else to use.

And yes, it's a different Qur'an because apparently one makes more sense the other, which means it has different meaning. If it was trivial and didn't matter at all, there would be no reason for Ali to compile it? (and he didn't!)

/r/islam Thread